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Welcome to our film
"Everybody Should Be In A Band"

A film about the power of playing music together

We are proud to share our documentary, Everybody Should Be In A Band, with you. This film not only highlights the power of playing music together but also shows the many skills, talents and wonderful personalities of our participants. While you can access the film for free, PLEASE help us continue to provide these types of programming by donating whatever you feel you are able ($15, $25, $100 or more!). 

In January 2023 we received a Voices of Change grant from Arts Westchester to make a film about the many benefits of playing in a band to people with all skills, abilities and challenges.  We wanted to raise awareness about how powerful it is to get to know somehow through their music and to play music together. We also wanted the project to be a call to action to others to offer these same types of experiences in their communities.

Filmmaker, Pascal Akesson, joined us for 6 months, teaching our participants how to shoot and edit as well as filming interviews, rehearsals and performances. The film is about our musicians AND it is made by our participants. We think the resulting 45 minute film is pretty special!

We need your help to continue to build our budding film program. Any contribution will help us continue to offer classes in film making and to make more films like this!

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Suggested donation: $15 but any amount is welcome.

NOTE: We hope to raise $10,000 to make a feature film with our actors, musicians, and filmmakers.

$100 will get you a Music For Life T-shirt

$500 will get you a credit as a funder of our film (plus a T-shirt)

$1000 will get you listed as a benefactor (and a T-shirt)
+$1000 will get you a huge amount of karma!!!


This project was made possible by a grant from ArtsWestchester

Annette Hidary

Phyllis Dodge

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